Monday, July 16, 2018

Bach Flower: Oak

Oak and Success

The Back flower remedy Oak spells success in every sphere in its positive state. Hold fast, hold firm is the message the oak tree sends out as it stands strong and tall in the worst weather. When a person needs Oak, he will hold on too fast, too firm, enduring all kinds of tribulation without stopping to
rest or asking for help.


He is usually stressed out with doing too much. His strength of endurance and capacity for hard work is sometimes his own worst enemy, taking its toll on his health. He won’t even follow his doctor’s orders when it comes to taking things easy and this could mean an actual physical collapse because he has just pushed himself beyond the limit. Oak gives him a sense of balance and makes him see things in a  more practical way.


He is very strong mentally and he has incredible will power. In his case, it’s a problem of too much of a good thing as he keeps on, without giving his mind or body the rest it needs. This could well result in a mental breakdown if he pushes himself too far, putting what he feels is duty before all else.
Oak makes him slow down and makes him more realistic.


He is so busy doing what he feels ought to be done that he does not take time off to pay attention to his emotional needs. This could make him rather unemotional and undemonstrative. He views the tender moments in life as being frivolous and a waste of time. This makes him push his feelings to the background till eventually there is nothing but coldness – not very conducive to nurturing a relationship. He sees emotion as weakness and there lies the problem. Oak makes him realize that there is a place for emotions in life and they can be a source of strength.


These people have tremendous faith that never wavers, no matter what. In fact, they can carry it to ridiculous levels, considering it their bounden duty to spread what they believe in. Oak helps put things in perspective. One has to see other people’s points of view as well, not just one’s own.
The positive side of Oak is they never give up and get things done – without pushing themselves more than they should.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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