Sunday, July 22, 2018

Bach Flower: Rock Water

Rock Water and Rigidity

The Bach flower remedy Rock Water is the only one that is not plant based. It comes from the spring water that is found deep under rocks, with
the power of healing flowing through it. This stands for adaptability and freedom but in its negative state, you just cannot find anyone who is more
rigid. These people are fixed in their views and they like to feel that they are on a moral high ground, upholding ideals and principles that they believe are best. They worship at the altar of austerity and look down their noses at people who they believe are not strong enough to follow this idealistic path.


Their beliefs very often carry them to areas where their health can be compromised. For example, they could be strict vegans and they could refuse to take medication that could contain animal products, like a gelatin capsule for example. Or he could be  fasting for a religious cause and even if he were very weak, nothing would make him break it. Rock Water helps him see how nothing is gained by holding onto rigid beliefs at times of crises.


These people have tremendous will power and they are always ethical and true to their beliefs. However, thanks to being too rigid in their way of thinking, they tend to be impractical very often. In their mind, they set a perfect life as the goal and anything that falls short is not satisfactory.
Rock Water makes them realize that no-one and nothing is perfect and it is all right to be so.


He expects everyone else in his life to also follow this strict lifestyle and this makes him very unpopular in relationships. He might be rigid but he cannot live and let live – he wants the ones he loves to also toe the line. Rock Water makes him more human, letting reality flow through his
emotional self and making him relax and love himself as well as others as is.


They need to be perfect spiritually as well. So they leave no stone unturned in their spiritual journey. They firmly believe that they should live a life of self-denial in order to attain everlasting bliss. Rock Water eases them out of this rigid mode and helps them enjoy the journey as much as the destination. They learn that love and acceptance is the key to spiritual happiness.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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