Sunday, November 20, 2016

Ice Bag and Therapeutic Uses

A wrapped ice bag is the most effective initial therapy for most injuries, especially sports injuries. In order to avoid freezing or frostbite, place a layer of fabric between the skin and the ice bag. Then immobilize the injured part by bed rest or elevation. You can easily remember the three related injury procedures with the word ICE with stands for Ice, Compression, Elevation.

The total length of time for ice therapy varies by injury, severity, and possibility of recurrent hemorrhage. Most professionals use ice bags plus compression in 20- to 30- minute sessions, usually two times a day. But sometimes shorter times are used for up to four times a day. Most injuries respond to ice with in 24 - 48 hours, while some require up to 72 hours of periodic ice attention. Do not apply cold continuously, but rather periodically. Also rub the body part briskly with the hand between applications of ice.

Some therapeutic uses:
  • Stop bleeding
  • Relive joint pain
  • Relieve pain after injury
  • Reduce head congestion (apply to head)
  • Numb an area
  • Check congestion
  • Protect heart during heat application on other parts of the body or for heart problems
  • Prevent swelling of sprain or contusion
  • Check inflammation

Reference: Buchman, D.D. (2002). The Complete Book of Water Healing.

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