Monday, November 14, 2016

Water and Weight Loss

Donald S. Robertson, M.D., in his book The Snowbird Diet, suggests following this schedule to utilize water most efficiently for weight loss:

Morning: 1 quart consumed over a 30-minute period.
Noon: 1 quart consumed over a 30-minute period.
Evening: 1 quart consumed between five and six o'clock.

Water helps the body itself lose weight - letting your body work at it's optimal level:
  • Water flushes out excess waste.
  • Water helps to relieve constipation.
  • Water keeps up the muscles' ability to contract, maintaining muscle tone.
  • Water alleviates fluid retention.
  • Water suppresses the appetite by filling up the stomach.
  • Water helps the body metabolize stored fat.
  • Water helps prevent skin from sagging after weight loss by filling out the cells.
A dehydrated body cannot perform effectively, making it much more difficult to function, much less to lose weight.

Water might not be the easiest, most natural, and most-efficient preventative medicine, but it is also vital for sustained and permanent weight loss.

Reference: Buchman, D.D. (2002). The Complete Book of Water Healing.

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