Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Iridology Can Reveal

Iridology is the only science that tells inherent weaknesses. We die from our inherent weaknesses, Disease migrate to out weaknesses. We become toxic laden because we cannot detoxify. Inherent weaknesses tell us where the minerals are needed.

Below is a very partial list of what Iridology can reveal. By no means these listed are the only ones.
  • The primary nutritional needs of the body
  • Inherently weak organs, glands, and tissues
  • Inherently strong organs, glands and tissues
  • Constitutional strength or weakness
  • What organ is the greatest need of repair and rebuilding
  • Relative  amounts of toxic settlements in organs, glands, and tissues
  • Stages of tissue inflammation and acidity
  • Circulation level in various organs
  • Nerve force and nerve depletion, the quality of nerve force in the body
  • Poor assimilation of nutrients
  • Results of physical or mental fatigue on the body
  • Recuperative ability and the health level of the body
  • Build up of toxic material before the materialization of disease
  • Positive and negative nutritional needs of the body
  • Sources of infection
  • The difference between a healing crisis and disease crisis.
  • The workings of Hering's Law of Cure
  • Whether a particular program or therapy is working or not
  • The "whole" overall health level of the body as a unified structure

Go  here to see how more information on Iridology.

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