Sunday, November 13, 2016

What is Iridology?

Before we get into any deep topics about iridology, a general discussion of what iridology is should be explained first.

Iridology is the Study of the Patterns and Markings in the Iris of the Eye. For over a hundred years, various Iridologist have studied these patterns and markings, correlating them with specific health problems, physical strengths and weaknesses and personality traits. Through these empirical observations, Iridologist have noted certain constitutional patterns. That is to say, people with similar eye patterns tend to have similar personality traits and health profiles. These observations at the basis of Constitutional Iridology Analysis.

Some people believe that the eye is a mirror of what is going on in the body right now and hence, have endeavored to use iridology as a diagnostic tool to determine specific disease conditions.

Constitutional Iridology is based on the premise that the patterns and markings in our eye are primarily genetically inherited. Hence, in Constitutional  Iridology, no attempt is made to diagnose any specific disease conditions.

Constitutional Iridology is used to help us understand our basic temperament so we can know how to balance our nutrition and lifestyle to obtain greater physical, mental and emotional fitness.

When health is lost, or when one wishes to build a finer mind and body, there must first be education and knowledge and then comes an application of knowledge, which is doing. The greatest single thing the analysis can do is point out one's inherent weaknesses. We die from our weaknesses. Our weaknesses bring us down, lower our resistance to all diseases and leave us vulnerable to our problems.

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