Friday, August 24, 2018

Bach Flower: Crab Apple

Crab Apple And OCD

The Bach flower remedy Crab Apple stands for perfect order and balance but when there is need for it in the body, the person takes it to an extreme and
wants everything around him to be flawlessly perfect. It gets to a stage very often when he not only wants to walk a certain way, look a certain way and act a certain way but he even starts thinking that certain thoughts are imperfect and he tries to think a certain way. If he can’t live up to these impossibly high standards he sets himself, he gets terribly bothered. Sounds like the character in the TV serial ‘The Monk’? Or Jack Nicholson in ‘As Good As It Gets’? You guessed it – it’s obsessive compulsive disorder or OCD we’re talking about.


A person who needs Crab Apple is constantly fidgeting, looking around to see if everything is all right. He might suddenly get up and go clean something – like the doorknobs or the ashtrays. He might just go throw away anything that is lying around that he feels is cluttering up the place. He just cannot relax unless everything around him is ordered to his way of thinking. He just cannot
bear to see any blemish in himself either – so he might just get a bit too het up about a scar or a pimple. Very often, these people will keep washing their hands or take many showers during the day. Crab Apple makes them a bit more practical and teaches them that it is all right to have a little dust floating around. For people who are not typically Crab Apple, this essential oil is great when
you want to wash the memory of a dirty feeling off – this could be physically, like after a rather tough nursing job or mentally like after having to put up with a distasteful experience. It relieves skin problems too and can be added – a few drops – to the bath.


His mind gets caught up in the details – and it’s usually the little, unimportant ones that assume alarming proportions inside his head. It could be a little stain on the carpet or a bit of water or milk spilt on the table. He can think of nothing else till he has put whatever he thinks is wrong, right. So when he is in someone else’s house, it is torture for him to sit through a social evening when
little things like this irritate him and engulf his mind. So he is usually in a state of stress and this could bring on a few health problems. Crab Apple lifts his mind from the petty details to the things that really matter.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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