Monday, August 6, 2018

Bach Flower: Star of Bethlehem

Star of Bethlehem and Shock Treatment

The Bach flower remedy Star of Bethlehem is wonderful to treat shock of any kind. This is not the terror that is palpable which needs other flower
remedies. This is the numb state that shock makes him retreat into. A state when he doesn’t feel and very often cannot even think. It could happen with bad news, with traumatic experiences during childhood that one cannot even remember or even with any kind of an emotional letdown.


There are many physical changes that can come about with shocks. Bad news about a loved one’s death, a lover breaking off a relationship, being told to vacate your home suddenly because you haven’t kept up with the payments can all bring with them changes like greying of hair, loss of hearing, heart attacks, aches and pains, etc. Star of Bethlehem,  when it is administered soon after a shock can work wonders and prevent the shock from leaving its mark on the person physically. Many psychosomatic ailments like allergies and asthma are thought to be results of shocks that have been suppressed.


Very often, when a person experiences shock, the after effects are not immediately felt because the mind goes numb and the feeling is pushed into the subconscious. This is dangerous because it can give rise to a whole lot of mental issues which could manifest themselves much later. Star of Bethlehem prevents this from happening and drains the shock from the mind, allowing the effects to flow out and not be frozen inside. This remedy usually brings on mental clarity after it is taken.


An emotional shock sometimes results in the person blocking out all feeling and going about as though nothing happened. Or, in some cases, it could even lead to a hysterical outburst. Star of Bethlehem helps the person to cope emotionally by helping him ride the pain and slowly get
rid of it rather than trapping it inside where it could cause irreparable emotional harm.


Star of Bethlehem has been called the ‘comforter’ and even on a spiritual level, it soothes and helps a person enjoy the communion with a greater power rather that do things with a numb, half-asleep attitude. This remedy awakens the senses and makes the energy links with the higher self revitalized and alive. With Star of Bethlehem, there’s an inner strength that seeks the divine with joy and fervor.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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