Saturday, August 18, 2018

Bach Flower: Gorse

Gorse and Hopelessness

The Bach flower remedy Gorse in its positive state spells hope in the face of the worst adversity. So even if a person is very ill or caught in some
terrible situation, the glimmer of hope keeps him alive and very often pulls him through and back from the edge. When there is a need for Gorse, you’ll find that the person loses all hope and there is abject hopelessness. So even if there is a way out of any situation, the person just lies back without looking for it.


The negative Gorse state is most evident when a person is ill. When the illness is serious, there seems to be no will power left in the person and he just resigns himself to what he believes is his fate. There is no attempt or will power to fight against what is ailing him in order to try and get well. So when a person like this gets ill, it requires that much more effort by the medical people attending on him to pull him through as he does not help in the process at all. Gorse gives him that little bit of fillip to fight and to try and come back to normal.


The basic problem that these people have is in the mind. The mind tells someone like this that there is really no way out of whatever it is that befalls them – that there is no hope of things getting better. So they give in and don’t look for a way out of the tunnel they are in. With Gorse, the person believes that there should be a light at the end of the tunnel and they keep trying till they find it.


Emotionally too, these people give up far too easily because they feel that there is no way forward. In relationships, any roadblock is seen as the end of the road and there is a strange sense of despair and the feeling that things have come to an end. It is this feeling that makes them not want to
even look at the possibilities of things changing and getting better. Theirs is a downward spiral – never an uplifting way of thinking which is what Gorse brings along with it.


When a person is in a state of hopelessness, they tend to lose faith in everything – even the divine. There’s an all-pervading sense of doom and when Gorse is given, it helps the person get spiritually stronger and believe – in life getting better if not immediately in miracles. Their faith becomes more balanced – with hope pervading it.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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