Sunday, August 12, 2018

Bach Flower: Rescue Remedy

Rescue Remedy And Emergencies

Rescue Remedy is perhaps the most well known of all the Bach remedies available today and yet it isn’t strictly one of the 38 remedies. Rescue Remedy is made up of five of the flower  remedies and so many people today keep a bottle at home because it is a great first aid remedy. For the ones who believe, they feel that Rescue  Remedy has been responsible for saving many, many lives because it is essentially a remedy that helps to decrease shock or stress. Very often, trauma and accidents can result in death simply because the person goes into a state of extreme
shock. This remedy prevents that from  happening and helps the body to get out of and overcome the feeling of shock.

What are the five flower remedies that make up this wonderful remedy? They are Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, Cherry Plum, Impatiens and Clematis. Each of these flower remedies has a specific healing energy. Rock Rose is the remedy the mitigates terror and panic, Star of Bethlehem eases the numbness of any trauma, Cherry Plum makes sure the person is in control of his feelings, Impatiens helps to get rid of tension and Clematis makes the person to resist the urge to pass out or swoon from shock. All five together work to take the shock out and put the sense in. Rescue Remedy given  immediately makes a person calmer and more collected and brings a degree of practicality in.

Rescue Remedy is of great help not just to the person who has undergone the accident or trauma but also those around him. It prevents people from losing control so that decisions can be made in a cool, collected manner. Women who get hysterical when they hear bad news benefit a lot from this remedy. Children who are frightened or scared stop shivering and became calm with a few doses. Pets can be calmed down especially when there is noise around and they get scared. It helps when there is thunder and lightning or when there are fireworks or firing. Children’s tantrums and pets getting overexcited also respond well to Rescue Remedy. They have even been found effective when plants are diseased and start dying.

Rescue Remedy is available in the form of tablets, liquid in glass dropper bottles and as creams. The creams can be used externally when there is a swelling or a suspected sprain or fracture. When it is taken internally, it could be four tablets that make up a dose or if it is the liquid form, a few drops are put into a cup of water and this should be sipped slowly. This is a great emergency medicine before one goes to the hospital to get treated. Not only does it calm the patient mentally and emotionally, physically too, there is less strain and stress and therefore less pain that is experienced.

Rescue Remedy can be given to a group that has seen something terrible happen, to a group that is fighting and squabbling, during family arguments that get very heated, after a scary movie or TV serial, especially to kids, before going to the doctor or the dentist, after hearing bad news, to prepare children or for that matter anyone, for a divorce or death, before an exam or an interview or in high stress jobs or environments. Rescue Remedy should find a place in every home’s medicine cabinet because it is the first remedy in any emergency. It is of great help when there are children and pets at home.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)

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