Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bach Flower: Impatiens

Impatiens And Slowing Down

The Bach flower remedy Impatiens, is, as its name indicates, a great remedy for impatience. This could be the remedy for someone for whom the words ‘Slow down, you move too fast’ were written. This is the person who loves to speed things up at home, at work, at play because he feels everyone and everything around him is too slow. He must be up
and doing – at a faster pace than everyone else and he just has no time to stop and smell the roses.


You can see the impatience on his face as he strides ahead of everyone, then stops and turns with a frown on his face, willing the others to hurry and catch up. You’ll find him trying to push ahead in a queue, impatient because the bus or train or plane is a couple of minutes late and once inside and seated, impatient because he wants the ride to end so he can
reach his destination as quickly as possible. As  though being in a tizzy will make Time go a second faster! Very often, he hurries things along only to find he has made a mistake or has forgotten something. This is a fidgety person, drumming his fingers against anything if he has to wait
or pacing up and down like a caged tiger. He suffers very often from headaches and indigestion. Impatiens calms him down and eases the stress out. He learns to walk in step with others and enjoy life as he does so.


They are usually a step or more ahead in their mind of everyone else. They just cannot fathom how other people can be so slow. They are speed-readers and great multi-taskers and are best working on their own. They tend to have a superiority complex because they equate speed in their mind with being better. Impatiens stops the mad whirl that goes on in his mind and makes him more patient with everyone around.


They get upset and angry very fast but this passes quickly. They rarely stay angry for too long – they probably feel it’s a waste of time when they should be busy doing something else. They are usually extroverts but can be a bit annoying because they tend to put everyone down and interfere a lot in others’ affairs.


They are just too impatient to sit back and bask in the wonder of nature and the universe. Organised religion could irritate them because they will be looking at their watch all the time, willing any get-together or religious function to get over fast. They also cannot take to instruction, feeling they
know best and that means better than everyone else. With Impatiens, they learn to sit back and feel at one with the universe, not wanting to make the world turn faster.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Do You Need To Move More?

Choosing to move more is one of the best choices you can make for your health. As little as 30 minutes of physical activity every day to improve your heart health.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Bach Flower: Olive

Olive and Exhaustion

The Bach flower remedy Olive stands for refreshment and strength. In its negative state, a person who needs Olive is totally exhausted, both
physically and mentally. This isn’t about just feeling exhausted, it is genuine exhaustion that is brought on by overwork. The person just feels drained of all strength and this is because he has been working
ceaselessly, not bothering about his health as he is so involved in what he is doing. It’s like he has reached the last straw and his body just cannot
move another muscle.


This usually happens when a person has been working or looking after someone without sleep for hours. It could be a result of working on two
or more jobs, working and looking after someone ill or small children, or even just being ill for a long time and not having eaten much. All that remains is extreme exhaustion and a feeling of being totally tired and drained. Olive brings in a bit of vitality so the person feels he can move again. It reaches down deep inside to give the person his second wind.


Mentally, too, a person who needs Olive is at the end of his tether. This could be due to a prolonged period of mental stress – work, study or home related. What a few doses of Olive do is to make the mind tick again so the person can change his lifestyle and take better care of his mental self. Olive is of special benefit when a person is in training for an event – like an athlete. Olive helps relieve the mental stress that is built up inside of them and makes them cope with the final event better.


Emotionally, too, these people feel that they have nothing left to give. It could be that they have been through great emotional turmoil and get to a state when they are just too tired to feel anymore. Olive energizes them emotionally and gives them back the ability to love and laugh again. It also makes them aware of how to avoid getting into that state of exhaustion again.


From feeling drained, the spirit becomes dynamic and energetic with Olive. Like that branch the dove brought back to Noah, Olive rejuvenates hope in the soul. It draws on inner reserves that you would never suspect existed and brings inspiration to the spirit.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Bach Flower: Aspen

Aspen And Panic Attacks

The Bach flower remedy Aspen is for those who
suffer from groundless fears. It is the remedy to stop a person from quaking like an aspen leaf, scared of he knows not what and knows not why. It brings in courage and takes away the vulnerability that these people feel, being as they are caught up in this nameless, negative dread. This is also a great remedy for people who have been through some kind of frightening experience that they do not
remember but which leaves them with fears that are inexplicable.


You can see it on a person’s face. This is not the depression that strikes certain people – this is sheer fear. You’ll find that when someone is in the grip of this fear, their pupils are dilated, their whole body trembles, they could be bathed in a sweat and they have a fluttery nervous sensation in the stomach. It is as though their whole body is geared up to face a threat – and yet, there’s nothing really there. This is also a great remedy for panic attacks
or anxiety attacks when the person suffers from palpitation and sweating besides the fear.


Aspen is a gentle remedy, bringing in love but its action can be swift and sure. It is a great remedy to rid people of the fear that engulfs them when they have been abused or raped. People who go through these nameless fears are also too imaginative and prone to delusions. Some tend to be fascinated with the occult and the paranormal and this is turn makes them even more fearful of supernatural forces and causes nightmares. Children are afraid of the dark and imagine there is someone out there waiting to get them as soon as the light is turned off. Aspen brings in calm and soothes the mind. It slowly takes away the fear and banishes it.


A person who needs Aspen is usually hypersensitive and tends to jump at the least noise. This fear makes him a bit of a loner and he feels a bit embarrassed to confide in people, fearing he will become a subject of ridicule. Inside, he feels vulnerable all the time and wishes he could be strong – and Aspen does just that. He soon stops feeling that he is unprotected and all alone.


What Aspen does is to take a person beyond the negative state of fearfulness into a state of light. Suddenly, beyond that valley of death and dread, there comes up the land of love stretching before them and they realize that there was no cause to think that they would drown in that fear. They learn to accept and enjoy love at its best.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Tendency to Sprain Ankles or "Shin Splints"

People with a tendency towards spraining ankles and shin splints are often suffering from poor adrenal function.  Adrenal dysfunction causes increased weakness in the ligaments of the body. For some people the ankles are the area of the body that is most affected.  For others it is the sacroiliac joint.  It is important to not overlook other causes, especially the structural component.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Bach Flower: Rock Water

Rock Water and Rigidity

The Bach flower remedy Rock Water is the only one that is not plant based. It comes from the spring water that is found deep under rocks, with
the power of healing flowing through it. This stands for adaptability and freedom but in its negative state, you just cannot find anyone who is more
rigid. These people are fixed in their views and they like to feel that they are on a moral high ground, upholding ideals and principles that they believe are best. They worship at the altar of austerity and look down their noses at people who they believe are not strong enough to follow this idealistic path.


Their beliefs very often carry them to areas where their health can be compromised. For example, they could be strict vegans and they could refuse to take medication that could contain animal products, like a gelatin capsule for example. Or he could be  fasting for a religious cause and even if he were very weak, nothing would make him break it. Rock Water helps him see how nothing is gained by holding onto rigid beliefs at times of crises.


These people have tremendous will power and they are always ethical and true to their beliefs. However, thanks to being too rigid in their way of thinking, they tend to be impractical very often. In their mind, they set a perfect life as the goal and anything that falls short is not satisfactory.
Rock Water makes them realize that no-one and nothing is perfect and it is all right to be so.


He expects everyone else in his life to also follow this strict lifestyle and this makes him very unpopular in relationships. He might be rigid but he cannot live and let live – he wants the ones he loves to also toe the line. Rock Water makes him more human, letting reality flow through his
emotional self and making him relax and love himself as well as others as is.


They need to be perfect spiritually as well. So they leave no stone unturned in their spiritual journey. They firmly believe that they should live a life of self-denial in order to attain everlasting bliss. Rock Water eases them out of this rigid mode and helps them enjoy the journey as much as the destination. They learn that love and acceptance is the key to spiritual happiness.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Excessively Flexible Joints, "Double Jointed"

Excessive flexible joints or being "double jointed" is an indication of increased ligament laxity. From a functional perspective, increased ligament laxity is a strong sign of adrenal insufficiency. This is also seen in people who either do not hold or do not respond to their osseous adjustments. It may also be an indication of a general need for connective tissue support. Balancing the overall structure of the body is essential and a general protocol for supporting the connective tissue is important.

The following is a list of nutrients that are useful for healing connective tissue:
  1. Vitamin B12
  2. Glucosamine hydrochloride
  3. MSM
  4. Vitamin B6
  5. Vitamin C complex
  6. Calcium and magnesium
  7. Essential fatty acids
  8. Chondroitin sulfate

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Friday, July 20, 2018

Dairy Sensitivity

A diary sensitivity is an indication of lactose intolerance. The cells of the small ingesting produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks lactose down. Diary sensitivity is a strong indicator for small intestine support and / or nutrients to help the lining of the small intestine heal.

The incomplete digestion of food is due to a chronic pancreatic insufficiency can lead to increased irritation of the small intestine. Irritation can also be caused by dysbiosis. An overgrowth of unfriendly bacterial and yeast causes inflammation to the cells of the small intestine, which start to produce less lactase due to cell death. If you continue to consume diary, the irritation and cell death continues leading to chronic increased intestinal hyper-permeability and malabsorption.

Lifestyle Changes
Avoid all refined carbohydrates and refined sugars
Limit the consumption of complex carbohydrates
Avoid all diary
Chew food thoroughly
Find and eliminate all food allergies 

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Bach Flower: Larch

Larch and an Inferiority Complex

The Bach flower remedy Larch is what people with an inferiority complex need. The sad thing about these people is that they are convinced that they just don’t compare favorably with others and it is almost
impossible to shake off this feeling from them. So they just cut themselves off from growing in every way through life and paint themselves into a corner with no challenges and no new learning – all
because they feel that they just can’t do whatever they have to do as well as everyone else.


In the negative state, a Larch person is always ready with why he or she cannot undertake something and how they just will not be able to do it as well as someone else. The benchmark they set themselves is very high and they feel that everyone else can attain that very easily – everyone except themselves.  Thanks to this feeling, they look up and hero worship a lot of people sometimes and it’s a vicious cycle – this makes them feel even more inferior when compared to the object of their admiration.


They don’t even try to see if they can do something as well as others. They just assume from the word Go that they cannot and it’s tough to convince them otherwise. This mental block is hard to surpass but a few doses of Larch bring on a great change and the self-imposed barriers that
made them believe they were inferior start to come down. Once they are mentally convinced that they are equal to others, they start becoming more competitive.


Larch puts back the self confidence emotionally too and they no longer feel that they are the inferior ones in any relationship. They are more objective about people and do not see everyone else in their lives as being superior. This makes them more objective and it helps in a more equal emotional relationship.


When the phrase ‘I can’t, others can do it better’ disappears from the other aspects of a person’s life thanks to Larch, slowly, there’s an opening up of the soul to take the person to greater heights. In everything, he feels that he now can do whatever is asked of him and it is a wonderful revelation to him. There’s a positive energy that flows from the higher self and it washes over the person making him filled with a sense of self worth.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

History of Epstein Barr, Mono, Herpes, Shingles, Chronic Fatigue, Hepatitis or other Chronic Viral Condition

A history of the above infections is an indication that the immune system in the past have been compromised. Many of these diseases are latent in the body and require a vigilant immune system to keep them under control. This puts extra stress on an already compromised immune system. Decreasing stress in this person's life will help keep these infections inactive.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Bach Flower: Oak

Oak and Success

The Back flower remedy Oak spells success in every sphere in its positive state. Hold fast, hold firm is the message the oak tree sends out as it stands strong and tall in the worst weather. When a person needs Oak, he will hold on too fast, too firm, enduring all kinds of tribulation without stopping to
rest or asking for help.


He is usually stressed out with doing too much. His strength of endurance and capacity for hard work is sometimes his own worst enemy, taking its toll on his health. He won’t even follow his doctor’s orders when it comes to taking things easy and this could mean an actual physical collapse because he has just pushed himself beyond the limit. Oak gives him a sense of balance and makes him see things in a  more practical way.


He is very strong mentally and he has incredible will power. In his case, it’s a problem of too much of a good thing as he keeps on, without giving his mind or body the rest it needs. This could well result in a mental breakdown if he pushes himself too far, putting what he feels is duty before all else.
Oak makes him slow down and makes him more realistic.


He is so busy doing what he feels ought to be done that he does not take time off to pay attention to his emotional needs. This could make him rather unemotional and undemonstrative. He views the tender moments in life as being frivolous and a waste of time. This makes him push his feelings to the background till eventually there is nothing but coldness – not very conducive to nurturing a relationship. He sees emotion as weakness and there lies the problem. Oak makes him realize that there is a place for emotions in life and they can be a source of strength.


These people have tremendous faith that never wavers, no matter what. In fact, they can carry it to ridiculous levels, considering it their bounden duty to spread what they believe in. Oak helps put things in perspective. One has to see other people’s points of view as well, not just one’s own.
The positive side of Oak is they never give up and get things done – without pushing themselves more than they should.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Binge or Uncontrolled Eating

Binge or uncontrolled eating is a sign of hydrochloric acid or digestive enzyme need. It is also associated with blood sugar dysregulation and hidden food allergies.

Other Indications
Hidden food allergies

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Bach Flower: Red Chestnut

Red Chestnut And Letting Go

The Bach flower remedy Red Chestnut is just the thing for the worrywarts of the world. No, they don’t worry about themselves but about the ones they love. A child who is ten minutes late or is away in college, a husband who is out of town on work, a friend who is going through a crisis or an illness, a parent who is old and alone. It is natural for us to worry about the ones we care about but when a person needs Red Chestnut, you can recognize the signs because he carries it a bit too far. There is a tendency to be over anxious and concerned so much so that the person who is the cause of the worry sometimes feels the strain.


You can see that they are tense most of the time  with worry lines on their forehead. They don’t enjoy the moment and you usually see them intense and distracted instead of having fun with those around them. Their mind is far away thinking of all the  possible horrible things that could be happening to their loved one. So they are not terribly popular in
a social sense.


Their minds are constantly conjuring up horrifying situations involving their loved one who isn’t there. If a teenager is late – and which teenager isn’t – they would have imagined that he could have been involved in a hundred different accidents in that short hour. The worst thing is, they
don’t want to be disturbed while they worry – they wallow in it and get upset when people try to distract them. For them, to love means to worry


These people never seem to let go. For a mother, she can’t quite cut that umbilical cord and she feels connected to her child even if he or she is many miles away. Theirs is a  possessive emotion and they want to be a part of their loved one’s every minute. If you tell them it isn’t love but fear and possessiveness, they’ll probably get angry because for them, this is the best kind of love there is – they really cannot believe that anyone can love more than they do. Red Chestnut gently eases out the worry and lets the person love without fear.


It’s very difficult for them to be grateful to a higher being or to the universe because they don’t really see the beauty in anything around them, only the scary things that are waiting to pounce on anyone they love. Faith that is integral to all religions is something they cannot understand. They expect the worst, not hope for the best. What Red Chestnut does is to sow the seeds of faith, hope and peace and nurture these qualities so they get rid of the weeds of worry.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Acne (Adult)

Adult acne is  most often due to allergies. There is also a connection to the liver, a need for calcium and / or essential fatty acids and an increased intake of sweets, candy and refined sugars. Allergies have a strong connection to imbalance in the digestive system and a series of events that trigger the susceptibility to allergies: functional hypochlorhydria and pancreatic enzyme deficiency leading to maldigestion, maldigestion leading to gastrointestinal irritation and dysbiosis, and dysbiosis leading to increased intestinal hyper-permeability. 

Also look at blood sugar dysregulation. Acne in the adult has been called "diabetes of the face."

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Excessive Appetite

An excessive appetite is often a sign of yeast or bacteria overgrowth in the digestive system, or even intestinal parasites. With a sever candidiasis large portions of the food are consumed to keep the overgrowth alive. Poor digestion or blood sugar dysregulation can also contribute to an excessive appetite. A person has to eat more food in order to get a small amount digested and absorbed.

Other Indications
Blood sugar dysregulation

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Sunburn Easily or Suffer Sun Poisoning

Getting sunburned easily or suffering from sun poisoning, and easily fatigued muscles are a sign of essential fatty acid deficiency. Essential fatty acid deficiency is often due to a biliary dysfunction. leading to incomplete emulsification of fatty acids.

Other Indications
Deficient in fat soluble vitamins A, D, and E

Lifestyle Changes
Avoid all sources of hydrogenated fats and deep fried foods.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Bach Flower: Rock Rose

Rock Rose and Terror

The Bach flower remedy Rock Rose in its positive state stands for great courage and daring. In its negative state however, it manifests itself in terror – not just the terror of one individual but mass terror. Now mass could even be a few people but it is terror that affects everyone present. Imagine a roller coaster that suddenly goes off the rails or a plane that is making an emergency landing with its engine on fire. The fear and terror in the environment is palpable and can be felt in the very air you breathe.
Rock Rose is one of the constituents of Rescue Remedy.


Strangely, terror like this could produce a lot of adrenalin in some people and they could take flight or do things much more quickly in that terror stricken state. For others however, the terror could make them rooted to the spot, unable to move. Rock Rose makes them calmer and more logical in their thinking and helps them make sensible decisions. Rock Rose also gives a person tremendous strength for a short period to overcome whatever hurdles may appear in his path – or at least to deal with it.


The mind becomes numb, even while there are terror stricken images going through the brain. In its extreme state, terror holds the mind in total control. Rock Rose frees the mind from the grips of terror and helps it work again in order to weigh the options that could be open. It is a great way to prevent terror too. If a family member has to undergo a serious operation, Rock Rose helps keep the family calmer and more focused rather than give in to a wave of terror where no coherent thought is


This kind of terror affects people who are a bit dramatic. They view things as larger than life. Children who see a shadow and think it’s a ghost and who might have nightmares about it very often. Or a person who just cannot feel anything for anyone because he lives in terror of traffic after witnessing a terrible accident. Rock Rose frees the heart and the emotions from the clutches of terror and helps the person get on with his life.


Rock Rose is a great remedy when spiritual quests seem to have hit a ‘valley of death’ situation – where everything seems dark and fearful and there seems to be no way out to the light. Rock Rose mitigates the terror and darkness so that one can see the path ahead.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com

Friday, July 6, 2018

Morning Stiffness

Morning stiffness can be a sign of vitamin B6 need and / or essential fatty acid supplementation. Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin that is involved in the following functions in the body: energy metabolism, nervous system function, immune function and homocysteine metabolism. Women on the birth control pill will be B6 deficient.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Vulnerable to Insect Bites

Being vulnerable to insect bites is a classic sign of B complex need. For some reason people with low B vitamins in their body are very susceptible to mosquito and flea bites. It has been hypothesized that the B vitamins put out a certain odor that biting insects do not like, or that we still bitten but the bites goes unnoticed and go away very quickly. Whatever the reason, you need to take a low does naturally occurring B complex before going on that summer camping trip.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Star Spangled Banner

The original ''Star Spangled Banner'' that appeared in the dawn's early light over Ft. McHenry 200 years ago

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Lump in Throat

A lump in the throat is associated with potassium insufficiency and / or gallbladder dysfunction with biliary stasis.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing

Monday, July 2, 2018

Calf, Foot or Toe Cramps at Rest

Calf, foot or toe cramps at rest are an indication of calcium, magnesium or potassium deficiency. It is often necessary to take these minerals with an effective co-factor, such as supplemental HCl and essential fatty acids which will increase their digestion and /or absorption.

Reference: Weatherby, D. (2004). Signs and Symptoms Analysis from a Functional Perspective. Jacksonville, OR: Bear Mountain Publishing.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Bach Flower: Walnut

 Walnut And Change

Walnut is the flower remedy of change – change whether it is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. What walnut does is to make the transition
from one state to another as smooth and as easy as possible. Walnut is a great remedy that helps one to ‘move on’ without being tied to the old. It can very often sever the ties that bind you to an old love, old hurt or old anger so it has often been called the ‘link breaker’. You stop looking back and start looking forward. It also helps to take that final step when you’ve almost made up your mind to do something but are dithering to take the plunge because you are anxious or scared. It can also free a person who is
being dominated by someone to become strong and move out as well as cutting oneself loose from an old and hopeless infatuation.


It is ideal for the constant traveler and helps one adjust better to time zones, jet lag, climate differences, food changes and people. Walnut also helps in the biological changes that a person has to go through in life. It is of special help during teething, puberty and menopause. It also helps a person cope with illness, especially when it is terminal and it is difficult to accept the physical changes that are taking place.


Walnut is useful when people go through change that brings on stress or just new ways that one has to adjust to mentally. This could be a new job, a new home, a new school or university or a new city or country. It could also mean a new phase in life like retirement, marriage or children. Walnut
gives a person the mental strength to break free of addictions like gambling, smoking and drinking. It also frees the mind from the binding diktats of superstitions and religious or community impediments.


Walnut is a great comfort when one has to adjust emotionally to a new period in one’s life. This could be because of the loss of a loved one, a break up, a child leaving home or losing a job. It helps one accept and move on instead of wallowing in the past. Walnut jolts a person out of inertia in order to help him change for the better. It gives the fillip a person needs to get out of the rut and walk on.


Walnut is a wonderful remedy when there are important spiritual decisions to be made like joining a new order, converting to another faith or embracing a new belief. It allows a person who stays within a sect or belief system because of birth or habit to build up enough courage to break free and stand up for what he believes or does not believe in.

Bach Flower Remedies by Shalini Kagal (2012)
Website: http://ohmtalk.com
e-mail: shalini.kagal@gmail.com